Discussion of the existing private road policy
Orinda's private road policy was defined by Resolution 56-90 on August 28, 1990 and revised on September 4, 2018, with Resolution 59-18. These policies defined how a private street could be dedicated by the City into a public street. No private street, other than Wilder Rd which is a collector not a residential street, has been converted since 1990.
The text of Resolutions 56-90 and 59-18 plus a comparison of the two
However, three streets have been accepted as public and are maintained with public funds. In 1992 the Orindawoods Association entered into an agreement with the City where, in exchange for the streets allowing public access the City would maintain the three streets. This was a five-year agreement which has been extended six times, most recently in 2022.
Other than these three streets, no other private street has become publicly maintained since 1990 and none has followed the city policies.